This double piece, with a double portrait and Indian iconography, was bought by Frans Schraeven from Tilburg in Holland, through a friend of us. I had never seen the piece since Tony painted it while I was in hospital early 1992. It is a wonderful testimony to our chaotic life. I recognize Tony's different ways of representing me... Also see the signature 'Black Sun' in the painting. He painted in Antwerp January 92... Tony often put different pieces of paper together, reaching for a different size and shape.

1 comment:
I have always known
never seen this way
never seen it like today
that this could be so
that if you lie on the sofa
in a living room
the sun is shining low in the windows
colors are standing in your eyes.
ordinary spots. No spots
on the table cloth, in a dress.
Or what is left behind in sheets.
With much light on eyes everything is dancing.
In darkness you don’t see a thing.
What do you want to paint – the teacher asked
on the first day at the arts academy.
I see spots. Whole my life, wherever I have been,
I see a spot. I want to put that on paper.
Spots have to go to some place, vanish, being
shaped anew in something different that exists.
Hannie Rouweler
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