This painting the veterinarian classified as Indians. Yet they might be punks. Tony did several paintings of punks when they were to be seen everywhere. It was novel, they intrigued him and they adorned themselves which is a pretty Indian thing to do. So to me this painting is the juxtaposition of old and new Mohawks. Of traditional and nowadays Indians. Enjoy the rich texture of this oil painting.
One memorable morning in Chloride, Arizona, Tony awoke to an unusual scene. About one to two inches of snow covered the landscape, and he was fascinated.
So he threw open the front door and urinated in the snow, an intricate, overlapping montage, 'I'll call it 'The hole in the Yellow Snow'', he exulted, but when it came time to sign it, Tony was out of pee.
Within a few hours, it had disappeared.
Some art is eternal, some ephemeral,
And 'The hole in the Yellow Snow' is lost to the ages. Except in what's left of my mind.
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