I remember a time Tony came home from Europe, Antwerp, Belgium, Paris, the Stent, and maybe that little town that invited Clinton to play his saxophone. He was hungry and tired and really wanted to get back to LA. But first he wanted to spend a few days with us in Las Vegas. In a couple of days he put together a group of drawings and paintings. Then all too soon he was off, he left Las Vegas on a Greyhound bus and headed west. A few days later he returned with a big grin on his face and was driving his brand new red 4wd Samurai. Can you imagine that, spending a couple of hours on the floor doing what you love best (painting) and then trading it for a $10,000.00 vehicle? This was not the first time that I had seen Tony do something like that. I recall another time when I drove him to the Veteran’s Hosp in California so he could have surgery on his eyes. Tony returned the favor by inviting me to visit him and Annmarie in their house in Antwerp. I was broke and couldn’t afford to go so he and Annmarie paid my way. Thanks Annmarie. Another thing that Tony did for me was that he gave me a few paintings. I had found a couple of stretched pieces of canvas and gave them to him thinking he would paint something beautiful and sell it. But instead what he did was to give them back to me, finished pieces of fine art. Here is one is one of those for you to see.
Joe B.

I was always proud to have him as my uncle and happy we became good friends too.
Addendum: Tony liked his nephew too. He admired him as a fisherman. We fished Willow Beach together and Eagle Lake... but they quarreled about who was the best guitar player in the world. And the little town where Adolphe Sax came from is Dinant in the Ardennes...
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