Dead horses and the Whore's Fair or did he mean fare? It is a large oil on canvas (155 x 130 cm) painted in 1998, shown at Lineart Ghent. Tony Mafia remembered selling a painting with the title 'The Whore's Fair' to a lawyers collective (probably in Los Angeles) who later sold it for a lot of money. He felt it was one of his exceptional paintings.
In the painting shown here themes and techniques join in order to speak out about the state of the world. Every one pays the fare at the whore's fair, one pays to and for power. Dead horses, battles, riders and banners, thunder and lightning while the whore caresses a toy horse. A prostitute and her customer - maybe two lovers? - sleep in the foreground. Dead and destruction while the painter in the right hand corner upholds a small painting full of intimate light. That might just symbolize the usefulness of art.
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