Tony liked to party when young. Older he could start one, but not finish it. He would get tired. I guess he liked the preparations best: the house clean and bright, flowers everywhere, enough seating corners where people could retire for a while and walls full of his paintings. Then the peopple coming in and seeing the effect on them of our preparations. That moment was probably why he did it. Happy New Year, Peace, Beauty, Love and light. Tumbleweed.
My name is Serge. I knew Tony in Paris in 1972. My dad and I owned a creprie where Tony came often. I have several of his work on my walls, and others that I would to sell since I don't dispplay them.
I now live in the US near Washington DC.
Do you know where I can take them that people who appreciate his work may be located.
Tony, along with Tumbleweed and Windsong and me, have had many great times with Tony. In the desert of Chloride, Arizona and back to the early magicial days in West Hollywood at the Troubadour. Many, Many times in the later years in Antwerp, Belgium...until Tony's death on May 10, 1999. I live in California and I am always searching for Tony's works, so that they can be create a catalogue listing of his works from around the world. Please feel free to contact me, with photos of the art and any stories that you might recall.
Nice to hear from you DL Buddy and I were at the graveside with Tumblweed when Tony sent his message to us all...S-I-L
Hello, My name is dwight and I lived in Las Vegas in 1990 in the summer. I met tony in a studio apartment. I think he was sweet on my mother. Anyway, I would go to his room to visit and seen all the musical instruments and paintings. I seen him messing around like cleaning his brush. He dipped the brush in water and brush it against the canvas to clean it and he pulled the brush back and said "Look." "Man with Banjo." I said yes your right. He would also tell me about the "windows" in a country over seas and playing music in the streets to make money. But what brought me here was tha he had a painting that took four canvas's. It had a window and inside the room was some geese with hats on and outside the window was clouds. The clouds hads faces in them and they would blend in so good. I saw a painting and it reminded me of him. so i looked his name on the computer and ended up here. just thought someone else would like to know.
Hello, My name is dwight and I lived in Las Vegas in 1990 in the summer. I met tony in a studio apartment. I think he was sweet on my mother. Anyway, I would go to his room to visit and seen all the musical instruments and paintings. I seen him messing around like cleaning his brush. He dipped the brush in water and brush it against the canvas to clean it and he pulled the brush back and said "Look." "Man with Banjo." I said yes your right. He would also tell me about the "windows" in a country over seas and playing music in the streets to make money. But what brought me here was tha he had a painting that took four canvas's. It had a window and inside the room was some geese with hats on and outside the window was clouds. The clouds hads faces in them and they would blend in so good. I saw a painting and it reminded me of him. so i looked his name on the computer and ended up here. just thought someone else would like to know.
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