The price of peace is knowledge unhad by men of government it seems... is what Tony Mafia wrote on the back of this painting. On the day of bombspotting he would like to show this. He did not approve of nuclear weapons and believed in equality of people. He felt that beauty could create awareness, open eyes. May this painting which was a protest against the Vietnam war, painted in 1970, still move you.
By the way, in the early seventies I bought this painting for 15.000 Belgian franks. I only made 9.000 franks per month, had a toddler and a husband who went to university... The things we do.
Yes, I remember this painting well. As it is in my top three favorite paintings by Tony. I haven't seen it in years, but I love the message it emits. I would have done the same thing if I was alive back in the 1970's, for it is a great piece that I love.
For heavens sake, I just saw this painting for the first time. It looks like it could be the pair of mine ( posted in August of last year) "Girl with the flag" also painted in 1970. Who is the owner of this? I personally think these two are the most beautiful I have seen of his work. The colors are vibrant and moving.
Carol Levin
Woodland Hills, Ca
This painting belongs to the Owner of this site, Tumbleweed. She was Tonys last wife. If you want to know more about tony. My father and I live In agoura hills. We have around 30 paintins and like 100 drawings from tony. I personaly own a piece, given from tony, called the "golden bird". But this piece is one of my favorites.
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