Tony painted this small painting for himself. It are his childhood memories of Laurence hall, Indian Home for Boys, in Chicago. In that period he was still Robert Lee Alderson. It was only later that he became Tony Mafia. In summer the kids would go and be out in the woods and dive for water turtles. They would play a bit with them and then let them be. The dreamlike quality of water and fire, of togetherness is the influence of that period in his life. Of course he hated it when one or other do gooder singled him out and said: See that light one, he could almost be one of us.
See the signature: Tony Mafia.
See the signature: Tony Mafia.
A special place to Tony as well as someone else in his family I am sure...The immediate comment upon seeing it is "Ah Lawerence Hall". Perhaps it is not signed as R.L.A. as it was painted from memory, with love of memory and for personal viewing. S-I-L
Annmarie... 'Buddy' here!
a slight change of your description for Tony's painting of his recollection of Lawrence Hall in Chicago.
Lawrence Hall was not an Indian home for boys. Rather it was run by the Episcopal church in Chicago. Father Noris was the headmaster and father Ditmar was his assistant. Amoungst other subjects we (He) were informed of the Episcopal church (American Church). Tony was a choir boy and tended the alter too.
...and by the way, Tony's recollection of the wooded areas and overgrown fiels matches my recollection too...
Regards, and much love 'Tony's Buddy' H.L.A.
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