Two clowns in love, beautiful in color and composition. But did it work out?
A text by Tony from December 1976,
Ode to a one I have passed. In a period with hearttrouble after the first operation.
I have been passed by, around, over & under, and even had a by-pass. But no matter passings there will never be a bigger shit than you, lover. Thank Goooooooood we were only passing.
I have had tough meat to eat, met tough men I could never beat. One so tough he knocked me on my doff damn rough! But no matter I still can laugh and scream, tough shit on you lover. If I had never met another I might never have had a companion. Thank Goooooooood we were only passing. And on you I lay the words of a friend of mine: you I shall ever pass, thank gooooooooooooddd vou were only off passing. I pass.
I don't know who owns the painting, nor who the lover was...