Monday, January 28, 2008

Native American/Indian,
Sunday, January 27, 2008
The Silver Belles

I am Betty Brown's step-grandson. I inherited several of Tony's paintings from my father that Betty left him. I sold most of them to Doug Mc Cutcheon. I also have several photo's of you and Tony with my grandparents. I have attached a photo of the only painting I have left. I have read a lot about Tony and would have liked to meet him, he seemed like a very interesting man.
Yes Tony was an interesting man. This particular double piece on canvas was done in 1990, before my arrival in Chloride. At that time there were two theater groups in town and the frilly costumes of the so called ladies of the ways performing as 'The Silver Belles' inspired him to do this painting. Note the landscape and the peoples living in it. Liz and Ron Brown have been good friends to Tony. Thanks for sharing.
Saturday, January 26, 2008

circus and harlequins,
Sunday, January 20, 2008

Friday, January 18, 2008
A big rock
A big rock lived on a mountain edge since
the very first April ever, balancing
there until love comes.
A beautiful scarlet flying thing
caught his eye as it fluttered by, a abstract
next to the green, gray or black flying things
that sit on the rock occasionally, adding a sober touch of balance
The rock waiting for love, knew, as you know, in this
muted time a little scarlet can dislodge our pale
scale of even.
But the world below the big rock was not
afraid. In mass they knew a little abstract scarlet, love, is better than a
green, grey or black, fear of, big fall, non balance. And also who knows
when a dark cloud will cover all and lose even
this our scale of even ...
May 27, 1979 Tony Mafia
Een grote rots leefde op een bergkam sinds
de allereerste April ooit, balancerend
aldaar tot liefde komt.
Zijn oog viel op een mooi scharlaken
vliegend iets terwijl het langs fladderde, een abstract
naast de groene, grijze of zwarte dingen die vliegen en
soms op de rots gaan zitten, toevoegend een sobere toets van evenwicht
De rots wachtend op liefde, wist, zoals jij weet, in deze
gedempte tijd kan een beetje scharlaken een
bleke schaal van even verbreken.
Maar de wereld onder de rots was niet
bang. In massa wisten zij dat een beetje abstract scharlaken, liefde, beter is dan een groen, grijs of zwart, angst voor, een grote val, onevenwicht. En ook wie weet
wanneer een donkere wolk alles zal bedekken en zelfs
deze onze schaal van even verliest ...
the very first April ever, balancing
there until love comes.
A beautiful scarlet flying thing
caught his eye as it fluttered by, a abstract
next to the green, gray or black flying things
that sit on the rock occasionally, adding a sober touch of balance
The rock waiting for love, knew, as you know, in this
muted time a little scarlet can dislodge our pale
scale of even.
But the world below the big rock was not
afraid. In mass they knew a little abstract scarlet, love, is better than a
green, grey or black, fear of, big fall, non balance. And also who knows
when a dark cloud will cover all and lose even
this our scale of even ...
May 27, 1979 Tony Mafia
Een grote rots leefde op een bergkam sinds
de allereerste April ooit, balancerend
aldaar tot liefde komt.
Zijn oog viel op een mooi scharlaken
vliegend iets terwijl het langs fladderde, een abstract
naast de groene, grijze of zwarte dingen die vliegen en
soms op de rots gaan zitten, toevoegend een sobere toets van evenwicht
De rots wachtend op liefde, wist, zoals jij weet, in deze
gedempte tijd kan een beetje scharlaken een
bleke schaal van even verbreken.
Maar de wereld onder de rots was niet
bang. In massa wisten zij dat een beetje abstract scharlaken, liefde, beter is dan een groen, grijs of zwart, angst voor, een grote val, onevenwicht. En ook wie weet
wanneer een donkere wolk alles zal bedekken en zelfs
deze onze schaal van even verliest ...
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Abstract Poncho
This is a rather abstract Indian lady in a poncho. Tony loved this little oil painting from 1993. Not doing the traditional southwest style he caught a lot of flack. He just couldn't bring himself to do the 'slick' stuff. You find rain symbols and peoples hidden in the landscape. Enjoy. The small oil is part of a series of three or four paintings done with the same pallet, the colors creating a unity in this way.
Native American/Indian
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Clouds over Chloride
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Peoples to the sun
Tony painted Peoples to the sun when he was in an abstract mood in a cold garage/atelier he rented in 1998 in Antwerp. It is symbolic for reaching for the sun, for the Indians trying to survive. The darker colored face is one of the iconographies he used for me in a certain period. On the canvas you'll see the real sun and the black sun. Julia Kristeva wrote a book 'Soleil Noire', Black Sun, about depression. I am afraid nobody knew how depressed he was at times, and how he managed to render that in vibrant colors full of life. He transformed the darkness in light while painting.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Two as one
circus and harlequins,
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